Universitas Indonesia

Chiba University established the International Exchange Center at Universitas Indonesia to promote academic research exchange and expand educational opportunities for students.
Dec 1997 | Formed a partner university agreement |
Feb 2011 | Established the International Exchange Center at Universitas Indonesia |
Every year, Chiba University sends students to Universitas Indonesia to participate in various programs, including culture classes, internships at companies, and student exchange. One of the remarkable programs is a joint program called "TWINKLE" that Chiba University initiated in 2012 with 12 universities in the ASEAN region, including Universitas Indonesia. In this program, Chiba University students offer lectures to high-school students in ASEAN countries in cooperation with local university students, and vice-versa. Even under the pandemic from 2020, we had held several sessions online where professors and high-school students from ASEAN countries are invited. Universitas Indonesia also sends researchers and students to Chiba University for various purposes, e.g. to visit laboratories or high schools, to conduct own research, and to experience Japanese culture.
To support these activities, we have an Indonesian staff member who can offer support in 现在哪个app能买足彩 and Japanese at the International Exchange Center in Universitas Indonesia.
Address and Contact
Chiba University International Exchange Center at Universitas Indonesia
Address:Engineering Center, 3rd Floor, #307
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus Baru Ul Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia
E-mail: iec-indonesia [at] chiba-u.jp
*Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email.
About Universitas Indonesia
Official website
International Office website
■ Established:
■ Numbers of students:
More than 40,000
■ Undergraduate and Graduate Schools
Medicine/Dentistry/Public Health/Nursing/Pharmacy/Mathematics and Natural Science /Engineering/Computer Science/Law/Economics and Business/Psychology/Humanities /Social and Political Sciences/ Administration Sciences
Medicine/Dentistry/Public Health/Nursing/Pharmacy/Mathematics and Natural Science /Engineering/Computer Science/Law/Economics and Business/Psychology/Humanities / Administration / Strategy and Global Studies/ Environmental Science
Medicine/Dentistry/Public Health/Nursing/Pharmacy/Mathematics and Natural Science /Engineering/Computer Science/Law/Economics and Business/Psychology/Humanities / Environmental Science
■ Features
The Universitas Indonesia is a national university located in Jakarta, and is the oldest university in Indonesia. The university produces more than 10,000 alumni annually, and they have been playing important roles in public sectors, private sectors, and so on. At Universitas Indonesia, international students receive several services for a better academic and social environment to achieve their academic goals. Indonesian language courses are provided for international students.