Changing Your Status of Residence

Generally, international students attending Japanese universities are granted the "student" visa.
This status is required for various procedures, including scholarship applications and a request for the university to serve as guarantor for apartment leases. Accordingly, those with a different status are asked to change it to "student" visa. Changing visa status from” temporary visitor” to “college student” is usually not permitted.
Also, those who wish to search for or take up employment after graduation need to change their "student" visa to a different one.

Required Items for “Student” status of residence

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence (available at Immigration Services Bureaus, and downloadable from Immigration Services Agency's website link below. Forms "For organization part 1 and part 2" must be completed by your faculty / graduate school.)
  2. ID photo (4cm x 3cm)
  3. Passport (original and also a copy)
    ※Identification matters and Landing permission indicia or status of residency matters and period stated pages.
    ※If there is no stamp of status of residency and have residence card, only Identification matters page copy needed.
  4. Residence Card(original and a copy of front / back)
  5. A certificate of enrollment
    ※If it cannot be issued just before enrollment, submit a copy of the letter of admission.
    ※For research students, submit a certificate of research.
    ※If you are an auditing student or a non-degree student, prepare a copy of course registration form or a ducment certifying the subjects and hours you are auditing.
  6. Documents related to the activity in the status of residence at the time of application
  7. Others
    You can download the list of documents to be submitted below. Currently, only Japanese is available.
    The above list with 现在哪个app能买足彩 translation, created by ISD
    ※Print it out and circle either "YES(有)" or "NO(無)" on the submission check list. Please enter Chiba university as the name of the educational institution:「教育機関の名称」. Also, be sure to enter the name of the applicant:「申請人の氏名」.
    ※Submit all the prepared documents in the order of the numbers in the list.
  8. Handling charge of 4,000 yen
    ※If you are already student at Chiba University, please get the school certificate.
    ※There may be needed some other documents as the Immigration Services Bureau asks.

Required Items for “Professor” status of residence

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence (available at Immigration Services Bureaus, and downloadable from Immigration Services Agency's website link below. Forms "For organization part 1 and part 2" must be completed by your faculty / graduate school.)
    *Currently forms are not downloadable at MOJ's website. Please find "PDF" or "Excel" at the Japanese ver. website
  2. ID photo (4cm x 3cm)
  3. Passport (original and also a copy)
  4. Residence card(original and a copy of front / back)
  5. Handling charge of 4,000 yen

(In the case of part-time work) In addition to the above,

  1. Documents certifying details and duration of activities, position and remuneration (Proof of employment, certificate of employment, etc.)

Required Items for “Cultural Activities” status of residence

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence (available at Immigration Services Bureaus, and downloadable from Immigration Services Agency's website link below. Forms "For organization part 1 and part 2" must be completed by your faculty / graduate school.)
    *Currently forms are not downloadable at MOJ's website. Please find "PDF" or "Excel" at the Japanese ver. website
  2. ID photo (4cm x 3cm)
  3. Passport (original and also a copy)
  4. Residence card(original and a copy of front / back)
  5. Documents clarifying specific activities and their duration
  6. Information providing a clear outline of the institution where the applicant is to conduct activities (university pamphlet, etc.) as appropriate
  7. Documents certifying applicant's ability to pay all expenses during his/her stay in Japan (certificate of receipt of scholarship benefit, deposit balance certificate, etc.)
  8. Renewal fee: 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)
  • Students awarded the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships must acquire a "student (ryugaku)" visa before entering Japan and enter Japan with the "student (ryugaku)" residence status. Please note that students who change their visa status to one other than "student" after arrival in Japan will lose their qualification to be Japanese Government Scholarship recipients from the date their visa status is changed, and they will not be able to receive the scholarship.
  • If you wish to work in Japan or continuing to search for employment after you leave university, you must change your residency status of "Student (ryugaku)".
    For details, please see here.
  • If you need to stay for a while after you complete your studies, please check with the immigration bureau before you graduate. Even if you change your visa from student to, for example, "temporary visitor" for the purpose of preparing to leave the country, you may no longer be qualified to receive services from your municipal government. Please contact your municipal office for details as well.
  • If your period of stay is 15 months, 27 months, 39 months or 51 months, you cannot change your status to "Temporary Visitor," as the period already includes the preparation period for leaving the country.
Chiba University ISDtoppage